Born in Hungary in 1953, Tomi has studied electronics and electronic communications. He has worked at a variety of telecommunications firms as an electronics technician. He has also worked for the Hungarian Air-Defense System as a radio telegraph operator. After the fall of communism, Tomi started his own satellite communications firm, called Satellite Antenna Service. Today Tomi is managing his satellite communications business, which is located in the Hungarian town of Fot, where he has been living since 1953. He is married with two daughters.
Tomi was introduced to Amateur Radio at the age of 12. He was licensed in 1970 as HA7RY. He has been an active contester since 1972. He was with the highly successful contest station HG5A for 25 years. Today he is contesting mainly from his own station as HA7RY. Tomi's main interests are high speed telegraphy, HF contesting, antenna design and construction.
Tomi became an active DXpeditioner in 2007, when he mounted a successful DXpedition to Willis Islets, Australia (VK9WWI), with his longtime friend George Wallner, AA7JV. Since then the two have mounted a series of two-man, minimum foot-print, minimum impact DXpeditions to difficult to reach remote islands and atolls. These include Serrana Bank & Bajo Nuevo, Colombia (5KØT), Mellish Reef, Australia (VK9GMW), Chesterfield Reef, French Coral Sea (TX3A), Rum Cay, Bahamas (C6AGU) and St. Peter & St. Paul Rocks, Brazil (PTØS). The St. Peter and St. Paul Rocks DXpedition was conducted to this remote reserve in partnership with Brazil's SECIRM (Secretaria da Comissao In-terministerial para Os Recursos do Mar), the Brazilian Navy and the Ministry of Environment.
Tomi (HA7RY) and George (AA7JV) are recognized as the leading experts in small, minimum foot-print DXpeditions.